David Witnesses Goliath’s Challenge (1 Samuel 17:12-39) Goliath challenges Israel. In this passage, David witnesses this challenge and the writer begins his second cycle of confrontation-challenge-consternation. Confrontation: Philistines and Israelites Face Each Other (vv. 12-22) Goliath, the Philistine champion, is described in verses 4-11 in terms of his towering physical stature and his […]
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Two Dozen Basic Management Principles (Pt. 2)
Part One 1991 – 2001 Chapter One Kimotong (Sudan) In 1991, Lopez had his eyes closed in prayer when the trucks pulled up. He heard them before he saw them. The soldiers poured into the small outdoor Catholic church yelling: “Everybody down! Now!” Lopez knew that Sudan was at war but he never […]
Two Dozen Basic Management Principles (Pt. 1)
Introduction The farmer opened the door with a suspicious look on his face. He looked at the group up and down. “Okay ,” he said, “you can come in but don’t touch anything. And don’t sit on my furniture.” He opened the door wider and then said, “It will cost you five shillings apiece.” […]